When it comes to ordering your drawer system we have many options available to suit your needs. These will comprise of storage capacity, weight, and usage.

Things to consider when purchasing your drawer system is;

  • What will they be used for?
  • Am I adding 12v electrical?
  • What will go in them?
  • Do I have weight limitations?

These all play imperative roles in the design of your set up.

Make sure you let us know what you need and want so we can make it happen!

All our drawer systems come in a light weight aluminium or a galvanised steel:

  • The aluminium drawer system is constructed the same as the galvanised steel system, however we have increased the gauge of the aluminium to compensate for the strength difference – The Result, an equally strong system with a 30% weight reduction

CLICK HERE to learn more about our drawer systems and how to know what you need!

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